Hey there!

I'm Madhav Somanath, an AI/ML enthusiast with full-stack development skills focused on bringing keen insights & value to business solutions.

Get in touch madhav.somanath@gmail.com


I'm currently a student at GECB, Trivandrum building things from the new knowledge I aquire everyday. Undergoing certification from IBM and ASAP Kerala, a one year long course in AI/ML Engineering. Having finished my summer internship from VSSC, ISRO, and a four year long volunteering journey with IEEE and IEEE Computer Society, I'm looking forward to new and exciting journeys ahead.

As a data science enthusiast with machine learning / deep learning skillset, I enjoy building solutions which bring insight from deep analysis of the problem and all its parameters, which after properly studying I use my full-stack development skill to visualize and communicate these insights in a comprehensive and intuitive manner to all involved, making for a well crafted experience.

When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'm probably jamming on my guitar or penning down ideas for my next big plan to explore and travel.

  • Python
  • SQL
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • HTML
  • CSS/Sass
  • R
  • Keras
  • Tensorflow 2.x
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Node.js
  • Flask
  • Django
  • React.js
  • D3.js
  • Git & Github
  • MongoDB
  • Visual Studio
  • LaTeX
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Colab
  • Azure
  • AWS
  • Google Cloud
  • IBM Cloud
Aug 2020 - Aug 2020
Data Analyst Virtual Internship
Data Analyst Virtual Internship
Jun 2020 - Jul 2020
Volunteering Intern
Head of Web Development, Volunteer
Summer Intern
Lead Design, USG Hospitality
Sep 2018 - Aug 2019
Creative Technologist Co-op
Founder and Vice Chair
Jun 2017 - Jul 2017
Summer Intern
View My Resume
Other Projects

A broswer based visualizer for the popular clustering technique in machine learning known as K-Means Clustering.

JavaScript HTML CSS D3.js

Mini Project based on exploring trends shown across the world for cases of COVID-19, and visualizing it.

Jupyter Notebook Numpy Pandas Matplotlib/Plotly Postman API

Using clustering and dimentionality reduction techniques, classifying customers from real world data. Part of Udacity Machine Leanring with Tensorflow Nanodegree course (Unsupervised learning).

Numpy Pandas Matplotlib PCA K-Means

Using Tensorflow 2.x to identify and classify images based on the MNIST dataset. Part of Udacity Machine Leanring with Tensorflow Nanodegree course (Deep learning).

Tensorflow Numpy Keras Matplotlib

A project undertaking topics such as regression, SVM, K nearest neighbors, Decision Trees etc. Part of Udacity Machine Leanring with Tensorflow Nanodegree course (Supervised learning).

Numpy Pandas Matplotlib SVM Decision Tree/Random forest Grid Search AdaBoost

The official website for Government Engineering College, Trivandrums' Techno-Cultural fest Aagneya in the year of 2019.

JavaScript HTML CSS

An auto updating expense tracker made with React.js and Context API, built with support for future backend database.

React.js HTML CSS JavaScript Node.js Context API

Implementation of a tracker for a URL shortener which handles event registration links of Aagneya'20 by shortening the URL and keeping a count of the click rate through to the shortened URL.

HTML CSS JavaScript React.js MongoDB Express Node.js

A basic one octave piano made with JavaScript, HTML and CSS using Visual Studio Code editor.

HTML CSS JavaScript

A minimal, web based version of the popular 90's game DX ball written in vanilla JavaScript.

JavaScript HTML CSS Node.js